Toggle Display
You can toggle display of whole HUD if you need this (ex. in clothing shop).
Copy -- With export
exports[ "17mov_Hud" ]: ToggleDisplay (state)
-- With client event
TriggerEvent ( "17mov_Hud:ToggleDisplay" , state)
Default Value
Is HUD should be displayied?
Hide Radar
You can force rader to be hidden, no matter of player settings.
Copy exports[ "17mov_Hud" ]: HideRadar (state)
Default Value
Is radar should be hidden?
It's showing new notification
Copy -- With export
exports[ "17mov_Hud" ]: ShowNotification (text, type , title, time)
-- With client event
TriggerEvent ( "17mov_Hud:ShowNotification" , text, type , title, time)
Default Value
"info" | "error" | "success"
string.len(text) * 0.09 + 2000
Time of displaying notification (in miliseconds)
Help Notification
It's start showing of Help Notification.
You can use controls like ~INPUT_CONTEXT~
and colors like ~g~
It should be used without any loop!
Later you can need to hide it with HideHelpNotification()
Copy -- With export
exports[ "17mov_Hud" ]: ShowHelpNotification (text)
-- With client event
TriggerEvent ( "17mov_Hud:ShowHelpNotification" , text)
Default Value
Text of help notification
Hide Help Notification
When you first use ShowHelpNotification()
then you need to hide it with this function.
Copy -- With export
exports[ "17mov_Hud" ]: HideHelpNotification ()
-- With client event
TriggerEvent ( "17mov_Hud:HideHelpNotification" )
Help Notification (while)
There is also avabile version of Help Notification to use into while loops. It's hiding automatically when stop hooking.
Copy -- With export
exports[ "17mov_Hud" ]: ShowHelpNotificationWhile (text)
-- With client event
TriggerEvent ( "17mov_Hud:ShowHelpNotificationWhile" , text)
Default Value
Text of help notification
Progress Bar
Starting new progress bar
Copy -- With export
exports[ "17mov_Hud" ]: StartProgress (action, onStart, onTick, onFinish)
-- With client event
TriggerEvent ( "17mov_Hud:StartProgress" , action, onStart, onTick, onFinish)
Default Value
It will be hooked when progress is starting
Hooked every frame of progress
Hooked when progress has been ended. Returns wasCanceled which are talking is progress has been canceled
Argument action object with default values
Copy local action = {
duration = 0 , -- Type: number (Progress bar time (in ms))
label = "" , -- Type: string (Progress bar text)
useWhileDead = false , -- Type: boolean (Can be used while player is dead?)
canCancel = true , -- Type: boolean (Is can be canceled?)
controlDisables = { -- If you want to disable some controls set it here
disableMovement = false , -- Type: boolean (Disable movement controls?)
disableCarMovement = false , -- Type: boolean (Disable car movement controls?)
disableMouse = false , -- Type: boolean (Disable mouse controls?)
disableCombat = false , -- Type: boolean (Disable combat controls?)
animation = { -- Here you can play some animation/scenario
animDict = nil , -- Type: string (Animation dict)
anim = nil , -- Type: string (Animation name)
flags = 0 , -- Type: number (Animation flags)
task = nil , -- Type: string (Scenario name)
prop = { -- Spawning prop for progress bar
model = nil , -- Type: number (Model hash)
bone = nil , -- Type: string (Bone name)
coords = vec3 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ), -- Type: vector3 (Attachment offsets coords)
rotation = vec3 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ), -- Type: vector3 (Attachment rotation)
propTwo = { -- Spawning prop for progress bar if you need two props
model = nil , -- Type: number (Model hash)
bone = nil , -- Type: string (Bone name)
coords = vec3 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ), -- Type: vector3 (Attachment offsets coords)
rotation = vec3 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ), -- Type: vector3 (Attachment rotation)
Stop Progress
With this function you can stop progress bar in any moment. Then onFinish will return false.
Copy -- With export
exports[ "17mov_Hud" ]: StopProgress ()
-- With client event
TriggerEvent ( "17mov_Hud:StopProgress" )
Open Settings
You can open HUD Settings using:
Copy -- With export
exports[ "17mov_Hud" ]: OpenSettings ()
-- With client event
TriggerEvent ( "17mov_Hud:OpenSettings" )
Getting HUD colors
You can get current HUD colors as HEX codes to use them for ex. in chat to made everyting fits.
Copy -- With export
exports[ "17mov_Hud" ]: GetTheme ( function ( theme )
-- local lightmode = theme['dark']
-- print("Lightmode - Primary color:", lightmode['--color-primary'])
-- print("Lightmode - Secondary color:", lightmode['--color-secondary'])
-- print("Lightmode - Text Primary color:", lightmode['--color-text-primary'])
-- print("Lightmode - Text Secondary color:", lightmode['--color-text-secondary'])
-- print("Lightmode - Transparent color:", lightmode['--color-transparent'])
-- local darkmode = theme['dark']
-- print("Darkmode - Primary color:", darkmode['--color-primary'])
-- print("Darkmode - Secondary color:", darkmode['--color-secondary'])
-- print("Darkmode - Text Primary color:", darkmode['--color-text-primary'])
-- print("Darkmode - Text Secondary color:", darkmode['--color-text-secondary'])
-- print("Darkmode - Transparent color:", darkmode['--color-transparent'])
end )
-- With client event
TriggerEvent ( "17mov_Hud:GetTheme" , function ( theme )
-- local lightmode = theme['dark']
-- print("Lightmode - Primary color:", lightmode['--color-primary'])
-- print("Lightmode - Secondary color:", lightmode['--color-secondary'])
-- print("Lightmode - Text Primary color:", lightmode['--color-text-primary'])
-- print("Lightmode - Text Secondary color:", lightmode['--color-text-secondary'])
-- print("Lightmode - Transparent color:", lightmode['--color-transparent'])
-- local darkmode = theme['dark']
-- print("Darkmode - Primary color:", darkmode['--color-primary'])
-- print("Darkmode - Secondary color:", darkmode['--color-secondary'])
-- print("Darkmode - Text Primary color:", darkmode['--color-text-primary'])
-- print("Darkmode - Text Secondary color:", darkmode['--color-text-secondary'])
-- print("Darkmode - Transparent color:", darkmode['--color-transparent'])
end )
Or you can also obtain colors with every update from settings with:
Copy RegisterNetEvent ( "17mov_Hud:UpdateTheme" , function ( theme )
-- local lightmode = theme['dark']
-- print("Lightmode - Primary color:", lightmode['--color-primary'])
-- print("Lightmode - Secondary color:", lightmode['--color-secondary'])
-- print("Lightmode - Text Primary color:", lightmode['--color-text-primary'])
-- print("Lightmode - Text Secondary color:", lightmode['--color-text-secondary'])
-- print("Lightmode - Transparent color:", lightmode['--color-transparent'])
-- local darkmode = theme['dark']
-- print("Darkmode - Primary color:", darkmode['--color-primary'])
-- print("Darkmode - Secondary color:", darkmode['--color-secondary'])
-- print("Darkmode - Text Primary color:", darkmode['--color-text-primary'])
-- print("Darkmode - Text Secondary color:", darkmode['--color-text-secondary'])
-- print("Darkmode - Transparent color:", darkmode['--color-transparent'])
end )
Getting HUD settings
You can also get current HUD settings.
Copy -- With export
exports[ "17mov_Hud" ]: GetSettings ( function ( settings )
-- print(settings)
end )
-- With client event
TriggerEvent ( "17mov_Hud:GetSettings" , function ( settings )
-- print(settings)
end )
You can also obtain settings with every update:
Copy RegisterNetEvent ( "17mov_Hud:UpdateSettings" , function ( settings )
-- print(settings)
end )
Last updated 7 months ago